Get started with Google Ads, we’ll give you CAD $600 in free ad credit when you spend CAD $600.

Quality marketing services at an affordable price. We help small business owners get more clicks, calls, and sales.

Google Partner Icon
Tier 1Tier 2
Social Media$299$449
Branded Images
12 Posts Per Month
Content Writing
Content Approval
Weekly Google My Business (GMB) Post
Google Ads$599$749
Maximum Ad Spendup to $2000up to $5000
Google Search Ads
Google Display
Google Remarketing
Monthly Reports
Facebook Ads$599$749
Maximum Ad Spendup to $2000up to $5000
Ongoing Bid Optimization
Competitor Research
Fresh Image & Text Ads for Testing
Time-based Bid Improvements
Custom Reporting Metrics
Instagram Ads
Multiple Audience Classifications
Retargeting Strategies
Hours per Month2040
One-page Audit
Metadata, Hadings, Image Optimization
Monthly Blog Post
Internal Linking​
Guest Posts​
Disavow/Remove Toxic Links​
Local Citations​
Director Submissions​
Article Submission​
Competitor Research​

*One-time set-up fee of $999 charged per service will be waived for a yearly commitment. Pricing listed is per month.